Montag, 12. September 2011

12 of 12 August

Hier wieder unsere 12 Bilder vom 12. Tag des Monats August im Jahre 2011. Das Original findet ihr hier von Chad Darnell.

Here are our 12 pics from the 12 day of the month August 2011. The original idea from Chad Darnell could you see here.


kind of ritual, early morning for our blog.

martinchen's  Breakfast

 Flower in the morning makes a good mood

 Jörch's breakfast (and a cigarette)

 work force against paper free office

 waiting for my husband: Jörch <3

it looks ugly but it tasted delicous - a kind of stew

a ship from Netherland

 a girl from Netherland

what a gorgeous view at our evening walk

the last pic for today - good night everybody.

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